
2018年6月27日—The11-22mmf/4-5.6isCanon'swideanglezoomfortheEOSMseries.It'sasmall,modestpricedlens,andhasabuilt-inISsystem(3stops ...,2018年3月12日—Overall,theEF-M11-22mmdeliverssharpimagesacrosstheentireframe,whichisparticularlyimpressiveforanultra-wideanglezoomlens.,ImagesarecrispandclearthankstoCanon'sOpticalImageStabilizer,whichworkstokeepimageblurtoaminimumbycorrectingcamerashake.A3-stopsh...

Canon 11-22mm f4

2018年6月27日 — The 11-22mm f/4-5.6 is Canon's wide angle zoom for the EOS M series. It's a small, modest priced lens, and has a built-in IS system (3 stops ...

Canon EF-M 11-22mm f4

2018年3月12日 — Overall, the EF-M 11-22mm delivers sharp images across the entire frame, which is particularly impressive for an ultra-wide angle zoom lens.

Canon EF-M 11-22mm f4

Images are crisp and clear thanks to Canon's Optical Image Stabilizer, which works to keep image blur to a minimum by correcting camera shake. A 3-stop shutter ...

Canon EF-M 11

2015年11月3日 — This Canon 11-22mm is super sharp. It's so sharp that diffraction is already dulling image by f/8; f/5.6 is usually the sharpest aperture if you ...

Canon EF-M 11

2018年5月22日 — The Canon EF-M 11-22mm IS STM is an ultra-wide zoom designed for the EOS mirrorless system; it's not compatible with Canon DSLRs. Announced in ...

EF-M11-22mm f4

2017年5月11日 — EF-M11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM的吸引力不只在於其輕便尺寸,亦因為它在整個焦段內的任何焦距都有出色的解像能力。在11毫米的廣角端,即使在邊緣範圍亦有清晰 ...